Aims to Undermine Existing Government

  • Project 2025 is a plan with a goal to completely change the U.S. federal government if a Republican wins the 2024 presidential election.

  • The project, started in 2022, wants to bring tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C. to replace current federal government workers, who Republicans call the “deep state”.

Promotes Authoritarianism and Un-American Values

  • Project 2025 as an authoritarian and Christian nationalist movement, potentially leading the U.S. towards autocracy.

  • The project’s aim to replace existing civil servants with those aligned with a specific political ideology undermines democratic principles and the peaceful transfer of power.


  • Experts argue that Project 2025 would weaken the rule of law and the separation of powers, key tenets of the American democratic system.
  • The project’s proposal to use the military for domestic law enforcement and target political opponents raises concerns about the militarization of government and the suppression of dissent.

Seeks to Undermine Established Rights and Freedoms

  • Project 2025’s plans to criminalize pornography, eliminate protections for sexual and gender identity, and end diversity programs directly contradict American values of freedom of expression and equal rights.

  • The project’s stance on abortion and contraception contradicts the right to privacy and bodily autonomy central to American values.

Project 2025 Rejects Scientific Consensus and Disregards Expertise

  • Project 2025 advocates for federal funding of scientific research only if it aligns with conservative principles, potentially stifling scientific progress and innovation.

  • The plan’s proposals to dismantle or significantly alter government agencies like the FBI, DHS, EPA, FCC, and FTC based on ideology rather than expertise could jeopardize national security, environmental protection, and economic stability.

Concerns About Project 2025 Extend Beyond Political Affiliation

  • Criticism of Project 2025 comes not only from those opposed to its ideological leanings but also from some conservatives and Republicans concerned about its potential to centralize power, harm the environment, and negatively impact foreign trade.

  • This cross-partisan concern underscores the potential threat that Project 2025 poses to the foundational principles of American governance.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, outlines an ambitious strategy to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican presidential victory in 2024. Launched in 2022, the project seeks to :

  • install tens of thousands of conservatives in the District of Columbia, Stripping many of our federal employees of their carreer to replace them with Loyalists.
    • Republicans characterize the current federal employees as the “Deep State”. This project embraces a maximalist interpretation of the unitary executive theory , which is a wild theory the president holds absolute authority over the executive branch. (Like a king)

Project 2025 lays out sweeping changes across the federal government, impacting economic and social policies and redefining the role of federal agencies. Here’s a glimpse of its key propositions:

  • Drastically curtailing regulations related to Climate Change and the environment to promote fossil fuel production.

  • Eliminating the Department of Commerce.

  • Rescinding the independence of several federal agencies, including :

    • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    • Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • Implementing tax cuts, although there’s internal discord among the project’s architects regarding the merits of Protectionism.

TLDR Project 2025

Project 2025 has drawn sharp criticism of Legal scholars that warn that the plan threatens the rule of law and the principle of separation of powers. Notably, some conservatives and Republicans have also voiced concerns, particularly regarding the project’s potential to: