The State of Political Discourse

The State of Political Discourse
Affirmative ActionI believe affirmative action was appropriate for a time. and was probably implemented for longer than it was useful to address the inequities it was meant to.
DiversityDiversity is not a virtue. from my perspective Diversity can be good depending on the intention and consequences.
Global WarmingGlobal warming is real and caused by humans. The best approach includes incentivizing greener energies and implementing carbon pricing policies.
The Green New Dealanti Green New Deal due to its pairing with non-environmental policies. PRO cap & trade and Alternative energy
ImmigrationImmigration is a Positive Part of our history, Economy, and Society. I am In support of strong borders and feel we need to revisit our policies regarding immigration to optimize the process.
Illegal ImmigrationAmnesty programs like the IRCA can have benefits for workers and governments but also drawbacks that need consideration.
International Trade AgreementsHighly favors international trade agreements for international cooperation and maintaining American soft power.
ReparationsSupports reparations as a repayment of a debt promised after the civil war. Acknowledges the logistical and political challenges in implementing reparations.
Social JusticeIncorporating equity into policy and law is crucial, recognizing historical disadvantages and their present-day outcomes.
Systemic RacismSystemic racism exists in forms where no individual is necessarily to blame, such as biased institutional practices. I Believe in addressing the complicated issues of systemic racism as a matter of principle.
VotingI believe in a democracy, Citizens ought to see voting as an obligation and i am in favor of compulsory elections. solve current problems by working within the system and supporting the best candidates.
IdeologiesAnti-Extremism ,
Cancel CultureCancel culture is a manifestation of free market principles applied to social and cultural contexts .